My curiosity has led me to explore many questions/concepts/phenomena that I find fascinating. And I am essentially a passionate coder who happened to come across neuroscience during my engineering degree. Studying the fundamentals of neuroscience pushed me more towards the ‘why’ questions. I find the human brain as an incredible case of a complex system and evolution as a great case of simple rules resulting in unimaginable complexity. At the same time, given my experiences in projects mentioned earlier, I am also fascinated by other complex systems such as multiagent systems, bio-inspired intelligent systems, self-organizing systems, and cellular automata. I also feel excited about recent advancements in artificial intelligence, especially with advancements in machine learning with autoML and reinforcement learning.

Keywords: agent-based modeling & simulation, artificial life, emergence, complex systems, multi-agent systems, collective intelligence, digital evolution, self-organizing systems, ecosystem modeling, cellular automata, consciousness

Thoughts on -

  • Complexity and Emergent Systems: Building complex systems bottom-up from simple rules - does nature always prefers a simpler rule / route in evolution? Also, what are the limits of our comprehensibility of emergent complex systems?
  • Evolution of Intelligent (Nervous) Systems: Can we evolve a neural achitecture and representation for artificial brains to solve a problem or developing a behavior and also fully understand the resulting network?
  • Intelligence in Nature and (Bio-inspired) Artificial Intelligence
    • Bird Flocking (Boids) Algorithm by Craig Reynolds; Slime Moulds; Ant Colonies
    • Building AI systems that mimic them to solve real-world problems.
  • Intelligence and Emotion: Are these mere manifestation of some set of rules? Does physical action causes emotion or vice versa?
  • Cultural Evolution: Evolution of information(Dawkin’s meme) as it is passed in person or virtually through social media.
  • Evolution of Representational Communication & Language: Is human language what sets us apart? Why is there no (documented) form of representational communication between Vervet Monkeys and Homo Sapiens?
  • Evolution of Human Cognition, Perception, and Behaviour: What are their building blocks from an evolutionary viewpoint?
  • Cellular Automata: Is the universe a 3D Cellular Automaton with rules undiscovered until now? You may look for ‘Game of Life’ by John Conway and Stephen Wolfram’s models in his 2002 publication ‘A New Kind of Science’ to find content to ponder on this.
  • Consciousness: Is it just another emergent incomprehensible phenomenon as a result of complex neuronal architecture feeding on sea of sensory data?
  • What leads to a life form: The Miller-Urey Experiment
  • Darwin and evolution: Arguements for and against. What about first life form coming out of primordial soup?
  • Are we living in a simulation?: Can you disprove it?
  • Virtual Organisms: Simulating an organism mimicking its neuronal wiring. Check out the work by OpenWorm Foundation’s open source project dedicated to creating a virtual C. elegans nematode in a computer.
  • Perception of Reality and Extrasensory Perception: Do you know reality is often different than what you experience with your senses? What about the experinces without any sensory stimulation?
  • Causality: Is there reason for everything, or everything is random? What about ‘free will’?
  • What is the purpose of life for human beings from point of view of evolution of organisms? What next after Homo Sapiens?

Favourite Ted-Talks

Some YouTube channels that I recommend which foster my curiousity are,

Lex Fridman 3Blue1Brown Primer Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell Vsauce Veritasium Ted-Ed Numberphile PBS Eons Closer to Truth